
Color Portraits 2011- These images are apart of a series that experiments with altering the notion of the “standard portrait”. With long exposures, multiple flashes of light, and colored gels, these photographs turn into a whimsical flow of color and bodily distortion.

Night 2009- Taking long exposures at night creates bright streaks of found lighting that cannot be seen with the human eye. Colorful lights in front of a deep black background give the illusion of light that we cannot see. 

Portraits 2010-2012- This section has some conventional portraits with some very unconventional approaches.With different forms of lighting, different moods and feelings can be achieved. 

Black & white 2011-2012- These photographs explore how black and white imagery can push the boundries of traditional image making. The simplicity of the tones leads itself to creating very impactful imagery.

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